This article is intended for administrators wishing to understand the process to a create a deduplicated file share via Windows Failover Clustering on an SvSAN backed mirrored datastore.
Note: All images are clickable for enlarging, or can be opened in a new tab
Create the SvSAN mirrored disk
Start by having created the SvSAN mirrored disk either
1. via the VMware plugin and deleting the VMFS
2. manually via the VSA webGUI
alongside handing the storage to the Windows VMs either directly or via SCSI bus sharing.
Relevant links below:
Create the file system drive for sharing and deduplication
Format the SvSAN disk within Windows that is to be utilized for the de-duplicated file share.
Select a New simple Volume
Select next and specify the size of the volume to be created
Select next and assign Drive letter
Select next and select file system as ReFS, assigning a volume label.
Select next and select finish to complete format.
Now showing similar to the below:
Add the disk to the Windows Failover Cluster
With Disks selected, select Add Disk
Select the newly formatted disk.
Create the File Server Role
From the Failover Cluster Manager, select Roles > Configure Role.
Select File Server and click Next.
Select Next
Select File Server for general use and click Next.
From the Client Access Point, enter a name that will appear on the Network as the UNC path, specify a failover/virtual IP address to access the shared and click Next.
In the Storage section select the disk to utilize.
Confirm the details
Click Finish.
Add the File Share
From the Action Window for the role you created and select Add File Share.
Select SMB share - Quick and click Next.
From Share location, choose the Select by volume option and click Next.
From the Share Name page, enter a name in the Share Name field (in this example DedupeShare) and click Next.
Based on the share requirements optionally, leave Enable continuous availability and Allow caching of share selected from the Configure share settings page and click Next.
Set file access permissions as required. Click Next.
Click Create.
When the share is successfully created, click Close.
Enable Deduplication on the share
Open server Manager, select Volumes.
Select the volume to enable Deduplication on selecting Configure Data Deduplication
Select General purpose file server and Deduplication age of file, select apply.
Potentially configuring a schedule
From the Server Manager/Volumes you will see the Deduplication Rate and Savings, in this instance 48%.
See Also
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