This article is intended for administrators wishing to configure a StorMagic SvHCI node after it's initial install and complete the first boot wizard.
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This document will detail the configuration of a StorMagic HCI node after initial install and first boot, to define node password, licensing etc.
Video Resource
The below Video completes an end-end deployment:
Login with the default credentials of 'admin' & 'password'.
First accept the License Agreement:
Next the First Boot Wizard introduction page will be displayed, select Next.
The node will then need licensing:
To license the node will route out to the internet, requiring DNS, to
Paste in the key to apply and select Connect.
Alternatively offline licensing may be utilized:
Selecting Choose File and pushing up the downloaded offline license file.
Define a SvHCI network hostname:
Define your own password:
and complete the wizard:
See Also
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